Best Way To Cook Crack On A Spoon

Best Way To Cook Crack On A Spoon

Best French Onion Soup Recipe. I recently ordered a bowl of French onion soup at a favorite local pub that for years has been known for this dish. What I got was a thick layer of melted cheese on a slice of bread that consequently had soaked up most of the weak broth underneath, with a scant serving of onions. Maybe it was just a bad night, but I was left wanting.

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Best Way To Cook Crack On A Spoon
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Best Way To Cook Crack On A Spoon

A mission: Find the best French onion soup recipe that I can make at home. Not just a good one, but a French onion soup that is authentic and satisfying. The soup should be the star; it should taste like onions and actually have onions in it. I don’t want cheese on toast in a puddle of broth.

I want the cheese and toast to compliment the French Onion Soup, not devour it. So, after some trial, error, and disappointment, success is mine. And now it’s yours too. This recipe comes from America’s Test Kitchen and I should have just gone there first. They do all the research; testing several types of onions as well as coming up with the best cooking methods. I mean, they are the TEST kitchen. The success of this recipe is based on creating a deep, crusty caramelization with the onions, also known as fond.

After following this recipe (courtesy of Christopher Kimball’s house guest from France), let me tell you how fond I am of onion- fond! You do need to start early, and monitor it periodically until the active hands- on portion during step three of the printable recipe. Start with about six large yellow onions, sliced pole to pole. See note below on crying over your onions.

Do not use sweet, white or red onions. They each have less than stellar results. So, nice round yellow onions it is for this recipe. After the onions are sliced (not too thinly), spray a heavy bottomed pot (at least a 7 quart size) with cooking spray (cast iron is what I use), place butter in the bottom and fill it with your onions. You will add a bit of salt here to help sweat the onions.

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Here they are after the first hour in the oven. Those onions that totally filled your pot have started to sweat down and are beginning to caramelize to the sides of the pan. Give them a good stir, crack the lid about an inch, and put them back in for another 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours, stirring again after one hour. Now there is a heavy crust (the fond I mentioned earlier) that is starting to form and your onions are totally reduced. At this point, you’re going to cook them on the stove top, to draw out more of the moisture and deglaze the fond from the pan.

You will add water and deglaze at least three times as the onions continue to brown. The crust is THE flavor that makes this French onion soup recipe stand out. The deglazing portion was really the only active part of this recipe. Now you need a little bouquet of thyme sprigs and a bay leaf.

Add this with your cooking sherry, chicken broth*, beef broth (just a bit) and water. Simmer on the stove top for 3. Finish off under the broiler with toasted, sliced baguette and shredded Gruy.

My quest is complete. I hope you agree.*Note: I’ve had people ask me why not just use beef broth here, assuming the beef broth will give deeper flavor.

But that is not the case. This is French ONION Soup. Using mostly chicken broth allows for the onions to shine in this soup. Trust me, the soup will have the perfect depth of hearty flavor. French Onion Soup To Die For.

Author: Good Dinner Mom. Recipe type: Soup. Soup. 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 6 pieces. Generously spray inside of heavy- bottomed large (at least 5- quart) Dutch oven with nonstick cooking spray.

Place butter in pot and add onions and 1 teaspoon salt. Cook, covered, 1 hour (onions will be moist and slightly reduced in volume). Remove pot from oven and stir onions, scraping bottom and sides of pot.

Return pot to oven with lid slightly ajar and continue to cook until onions are very soft and golden brown, 1. Note: I usually use my 7- quart Dutch oven, but when I use my 5- quart, which is the more common size, I only cook for the additional 1.

The smaller pot browns the onions very deeply during this time and it happens faster. Carefully remove pot from oven and place over medium- high heat. Using oven mitts to handle pot, cook onions, stirring frequently and scraping bottom and sides of pot, until liquid evaporates and onions brown, 1.

Continue to cook, stirring frequently, until pot bottom is coated with dark crust, 6 to 8 minutes, adjusting heat as necessary. Repeat process of deglazing 2 or 3 more times, until onions are very dark brown. Stir in sherry and cook, stirring frequently, until sherry evaporates, about 5 minutes. Stir in broths, 2 cups water, thyme, bay leaf, and . Increase heat to high and barely bring to boil.

Reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 3. Remove and discard herbs, then season with salt and pepper.

For the croutons: While soup simmers, arrange baguette slices in single layer on baking sheet and bake in 4. Set aside. To serve: Adjust oven rack 6 inches from broiler element and heat broiler. Set individual broiler- safe crocks on baking sheet and fill each with about 1. Top each bowl with 1 or 2 baguette slices (do not overlap slices) and sprinkle evenly with Gruy. Broil until cheese is melted and bubbly around edges, 3 to 5 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes before serving.

A little note on “crying over your onions”. Many of us cry when slicing onions. It just happens. And the reason it happens is there are certain enzymes in onions that, when cut, release a sulphuric acid which irritates your eyes. There are many supposed remedies to prevent crying (light a candle, bite on a wooden spoon, freeze the onions). But the simple method that is tried and true: Protect your eyes. There are actually “onion goggles” out there you could buy, but just put on a pair of safety goggles or even swim goggles if you want ultra protection. Then you’ll look like you really mean business and you’ll stay dry- eyed through all 6 onions!

Best Way To Cook Crack On A Spoon
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