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Present Perfect Tense Active Passive Exercises With Answers

Present Perfect Tense Active Passive Exercises With Answers

Present Perfect Tense - how to form - English Grammar & Practice exercise. Desinstalar Alcohol 120 Windows 8. Exercise on Passive Voice - Present Perfect :: page Present-perfect.

Present perfect ? It is similar to other perfect tenses. See also how to make the present perfect in the passive voice. Use. 1. We use the present perfect simple for activities or states that started in the past and still continue. We have lived here since 2. She has known me for more than two years. I haven't seen her since Christmas.

Free English verb tense tutorial online. Excellent resource for ESL / EFL students and teachers.

How long have they been here? It is often used with expressions indicating that the activities come up to now, such as: for 1. We have always worked in York. We use it to describe some experience that happened in the past (the time is not given), but the effects are important now. She has been to London. Tai Game Chicken Invaders 3 Full Crack Pc. It is used for activities that have a present result.

Present Perfect Tense Active Passive Exercises With Answers

Complete description of the Present Perfect Continuous verb tense. Present Perfect Progressive). German perfect tense. The German perfect tense implies that a present tense verb is describing a past event, such as "I have played with my little brother". ONLINE ENGLISH GRAMMAR QUIZ topic: THE PASSIVE VOICE: passive voice sentences in the simple present 1 Clear explanations about how to make the Present Perfect Tense in English, with lots of practice exercises.

The bus hasn't arrived. With the present perfect tense we do not specify when the action happened. We say that something happened and it is important now. The time of the action is not relevant. If we give the time or it is clear from the context, we must use the past simple tense.

The time of the action is relevant. Have you had breakfast? But: Did you have breakfast at the hotel? I've read your letter. But: I read your letter last night. They have told me.

But: They told me when we met. Have you had the operation? But: When did you have the operation? The present perfect tense is used for actions that began in the past and continue at present.

It expresses how long the action has been. The present simple is used for actions that are repeated at present. It expresses how often the action happens. She has worked here for a long time. But: She works here every day. How long have you worked here?

But: How often do you work here? Present perfect continuous. Positive statement: I have been cooking, He has been cooking. Negative statement: I have not been writing (I haven't been writing), He has not been writing. Question: Have you been playing? Negative question: Have you not been buying?

It is similar to the future perfect continuous and past perfect continuous. Use. 1. We use the present perfect continuous for events that began at a point of time, are continuing now and will probably continue in the future. I have been playing tennis since I was 6 years old. She has been working here for 1. We use it for actions that began in the past and have only just finished. I've been skiing all day.

I'm so tired. Hello! We've been waiting for you since 5 o'clock. Differences between the present perfect simple and continuous: 1. In some situations we can use both tenses and there is practically no difference in meaning. The continuous tense is more usual in English than the simple tense.

It has rained for a long time. It has been raining for a long time. Verbs which can be used in this way include - learn, live, sleep, rain, sit, work, wait , stay .. Sometimes the simple tense can describe a permanent state, while the continuous tense a temporary activity. I have lived here for ten years. It is my permanent address. I have been living here for ten years.

And now I am going to move. Some verbs cannot express this difference, because they are not normally used in the continuous tenses(verbs of senses - feel, hear, see; verbs expressing emotions - like, love, admire, wish; verbs of mental state - know, remember, mean, recognize; verbs of possession - belong, own, owe; auxiliaries - can, must and be, have in some cases; others - appear, concern, seem, sound ..).

They must be used in the simple form. We have always had a dog. I've known him since 1. Verbs that express a single action (find, start, stop, lose, break ..) are not used in the continuous form. They've started the fight. I've lost my purse. There is a difference between a single action in the simple and continuous.

I have painted the hall. A single action in the present perfect continuous comes up to the time of speaking. But it is different with the simple tense. She's been cooking dinner.

She has just finished or she will continue cooking.)She has cooked dinner. Yesterday or very recently? The result is important.)6.

We can only use the present perfect continuous for uninterrupted actions. I've been visiting New York for a couple of years. She has been writing letters since she got up. In these sentences we describe one uninterrupted incomplete activity. If the action is repeated or interrupted (we describe a number of completed individual actions), we must use the simple form.

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Present Perfect Tense Active Passive Exercises With Answers
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